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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Theory and Practice
Presentation Title Elucidating the Loading Rate Dependence of Hydrogen Environment-assisted Cracking Behavior in a Ni-Cu Superalloy
Author(s) Zachary D. Harris, Erin M. Dubas, Allison S. Popernack, Brian P. Somerday, James T. Burns
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Zachary D. Harris
Abstract Scope Though literature indicates that the applied loading rate (dK/dt) can affect hydrogen environment-assisted cracking (HEAC) behavior, quantification of dK/dt dependencies, as well as mechanistic understanding of how dK/dt influences HEAC, remains limited. In this study, a slow-rising stress intensity (K) testing framework was utilized to measure HEAC kinetics in Monel K-500 immersed in 0.6 M NaCl and polarized to -950 mVSCE at dK/dt ranging from 0.2 to 20 MPa√m/hr. Results confirm a strong influence of dK/dt on HEAC, with crack growth rates (da/dt) exhibiting two characteristic regimes of behavior depending on applied dK/dt. In particular, a ‘plateau’ regime where da/dt is independent of dK/dt was observed for dK/dt > 2 MPa√m/hr, while a ‘linear’ regime where da/dt linearly scales with dK/dt was observed for dK/dt < 2 MPa√m/hr. The implications of these results on recent testing standardization efforts for environment-assisted cracking are then discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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Investigation of Laboratory versus In-service Sensitization Effects on Corrosion Fatigue Performance of AA5456-H116
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On the Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of a Precipitation-hardened Martensitic Stainless Steel under Atmospheric Exposure Conditions
Phase Field Modeling of Galvanic Corrosion in Magnesium-aluminum Joints
Pitting Corrosion Analysis on Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds in Brine for Understanding of Chloride-induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Canisters
Predicting the Tribocorrosion Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Using Finite Element Based Multiphysics Modeling
Probing Mechanisms of Corrosion Damage in Aluminum Alloys by Correlative Tomography and Microscopy
Quantifying Environmentally-assisted Cracking In-situ in Ar and s-CO2 Environments
Relating Corrosion Susceptibility to Microstructure via Multiscale Electron Microscopy
Sensitization, Loading Frequency, and Electrochemical Potential Effects on Corrosion Fatigue Kinetics of AA5456-H116
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Tribocorrosion Resistance of Aluminum Alloys: The Effects of Scratching Frequency and Anodic Polarization
Two-way Coupled Microstructure-sensitive Crystal Plasticity and Hydrogen Diffusion Near a Blunted Crack-tip for FCC Metals
Understanding the Effect of Anodic Polarization on SCC Resistance of AA6111-T8 used for Automotive Applications
In situ Study of Room Temperature Hydride Formation in Ti6Al4V and its Effect on Damage Mechanisms

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