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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Materials Deposition by Cold Spray and Related Technologies
Presentation Title Properties of As-Sprayed and Thermally Processed Cold Spray Deposited Materials Using Multiple Gas Compositions
Author(s) Aaron Nardi, Marius D. Ellingsen, David Brennan, Quentin Goley, Quenten Dean
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Aaron Nardi
Abstract Scope In this presentation, the authors will discuss the mechanical and microstructural properties of several different materials cold sprayed using different gas compositions. These gases include nitrogen derived from multiple sources, air, helium, and hydrogen. Specifically, this work will explore the variations in microstructure, porosity, particle compaction, hardness, and/or strength, and how these properties can vary by using different gas types. Some of this work explores the difference in deposit quality and properties through the use of nitrogen derived from different sources including nitrogen generation, high purity bottled, as well as gas derived from liquid nitrogen. These nitrogen sprays will also be compared directly with sprays performed using dry air. Other work presented will show the performance achieved using helium and hydrogen spraying including the sensitivity of certain materials to reaction with hydrogen during deposition. Much of this work explores the properties of materials as deposited, while some experiments also explored thermally processing these materials to improve interparticle bonding and overall mechanical performance.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


Advances in Toolpath Planning for Cold Spray Additive
Bonding and Microstructure of Single Particle Impacts: A 3D Investigation
Breaking Through Traditional Boundaries: Cold Spray Deposition of ‘Brittle’ Ceramics
Cold-Spray Welding and Direction for Future Optimization
Cold Spray Bonding Improvements of SS316 Using Copper Additions
Cold Spray Materials Deposition Technology for Nuclear Energy Systems
Cold Spray, HVOF, and Plasma Spray of Eutectic High Entropy Alloys
Comparison of Recycled Battlefield Titanium Scrap vs. Virgin Titanium Feedstock Powder for Cold Spray Consolidation
Correlative Microstructure and Mechanical Property Investigation of Aluminum Cold Sprayed Coating on Magnesium Substrate
Developing Hydrophilic Teflon via Cold Spray
Effect of Turbulence on Particle Dynamics of Cold Spray Systems
Enhancement of Properties in Nitrogen-Based Cold-Sprayed Niobium Deposits
Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Nd-Fe-B and Bi-Te via Tailored-Feedstock Low Pressure Cold Spray
Fatigue Resistance of Aluminum Alloy Components Repaired Using Cold Spray
Functionally Graded Al/SiC Composite Prepared by Cold Spray Deposition for Energy Absorption Applications
In-Situ Heat Treatment with Laser Assisted Cold Spray: Modeling and Experiments
Investigation of Dynamic Contact and Adhesion Mechanism Between Zinc Cold Spray Particles and AZ91 Substrate Using SPH Method
Microstructure and Multi-scale Mechanical Properties of As-Deposited and Heat-Treated Cold-Sprayed Scalmalloy-Al7075 Deposits
Oil and Gas Pipelines Repair by High Pressure Cold Spray Technology
Powder Surface Conditions in Cold Spray: What Single Particle Impact Studies Teach Us
Properties of As-Sprayed and Thermally Processed Cold Spray Deposited Materials Using Multiple Gas Compositions
The Accumulation of Single-Particle Impacts: Statistical Connections Between Impact Parameters, Coating Flaws and Microstructure Evolution in Cold Spray
Understanding Cr Cold Spray Coating Deposition on Zr-Alloy Substrate
Understanding the Effect of Feedstock Microstructure on Mechanical Performance of AA7075 Cold Spray Material

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