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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Steels in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Nanoscale Analysis of Hydrogen Pick Up in Fe-Based Alloys Using Cryogenic Transfer Atom Probe Tomography
Author(s) Venkata Bhuvaneswari Vukkum, Zehao Li, Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan, Arun Devaraj
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Venkata Bhuvaneswari Vukkum
Abstract Scope The mechanistic understanding of the role of hydrogen in embrittlement and high-temperature stress corrosion cracking of alloys can be improved by leveraging the capabilities of atom probe tomography to map nanoscale hydrogen segregation to defects and interfaces within alloys. However, given the tendency for hydrogen to diffuse out of most alloys even at room temperature, it is necessary to develop a streamlined procedure to charge alloys with hydrogen isotopes and then transfer the samples in vacuum and cryogenic conditions to atom probe tomography. This talk will highlight the state-of-the-art capability available at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for seamless transfers of alloy samples before and after hydrogen charging, between a plasma-focused ion beam (PFIB—Helios Hydra), atom probe tomography (APT—LEAP 6000XR), and a nitrogen-containing glovebox (N2-GB) at both room and cryogenic temperatures. Using this capability, we quantitatively analyzed the hydrogen pick-up in a model austenitic FeCrNi alloy both with and without deformation-induced defects. This unique capability could be instrumental in analyzing the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement and corrosion of a broader class of alloys.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Other,


3D Characterization and Cohesive Zone Model Analysis on Hydrogen-Related Intergranular Fracture in Martensitic Steel
A Study on the Tensile Behavior of Fcc Ferrous Alloy Accompanied by Cryogenic Serrations at 4.2 K
Accelerated Creep Deformation of Steels Under Hydrogen Pressure at Elevated Temperature
Adsorption Studies on Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Waste For Pipeline Steel in Oil and Gas Production
C-21: Influence of Processing Conditions and Loading Rate on the Fracture Toughness of 316L Welds at Cryogenic Temperatures
C-22: Surface and Corrosion Characteristics of High-Alloyed Steel Tubes Under Annealing Conditions
C-23: Susceptibility to Hydrogen Embrittlement of 22Mn All-Weld Metals: Effect of Temperature on Deformation Behavior
C-25: Mechanisms of Pore Collapse in Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Under High Strain Rates
Characterization of Precipitation-Strengthening Heat-Resistant Austenitic Stainless Steels with Minor Alloying Additions
CO2 Oxidation and Carburisation Evolution in Fe9Cr1Mo Steels for Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors
Corrosion Behaviour of ODS Austenitic Steels with Y2O3 Addition
Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution Using Agricultural Waste as a Possible Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Oil and Gas Industry
Design of Fe-xNi-yMn Martensitic Steels for Cryogenic Liquefied Gas Applications
Developing an Atomistic Corrosion Model of Austenitic Steel Alloys from Ab-Initio Simulations of MnCr2O4 and Cr2O3
Doubling Fatigue Limit by Eliminating Crack Embryo in 1.6 GPa-Grade As-Quenched Martensitic Steel
Effect of Microalloying on the Hydrogen Embrittlement in Press Hardened Steel
Electrochemical Control of Hydrogen: From Hydrogen Embrittlement to Hydrogen Storage
High Temperature Oxidation of 304 SS at 630°C in Combustion Atmospheres
Hydrogen Segregation to Dislocations in Austenitic Stainless Steels
Imaging the Nanoscale Hydrogen Distribution in a Creep Ruptured Austenitic Stainless Steel (347H) Using Atom Probe Tomography
Impact of Hydrogen on the Microstructure Changes in Steels: Ab Initio Based Multiscale Approaches
Implications of Additively Manufactured Microstructures for Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Steels
Intense Hydrogen-Related Acceleration of Fatigue Crack Growth in High-Strength Steels: the Mechanism and Solution
Mechanical Performance of Laser Powder Bed Fusion 316H Stainless Steel Following Low-Dose Neutron Irradiation
Metallurgical Design to Enhance Strength and Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Steels
Nanoindentation Study on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Martensite Microstructure of 2.0 GPa Hot Stamping Steel
Nanoscale Analysis of Hydrogen Pick Up in Fe-Based Alloys Using Cryogenic Transfer Atom Probe Tomography
Neutron Irradiation-Induced Performance Degradation of RAFM and ODS Steels
Novel Steel Composite Metal Foam in Extreme Environment of Heat and Load
Resilience of PM-HIP Steels in Extreme Irradiation Environments
Segmentation of Microscopy Images of Lower Bainite and Tempered Martensite High Strength Steels
Steel's Gassing Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Steel Corrosion in Supercritical CO2-Saturated Aqueous Environments
Steel Degradation in Energy Technologies with Extreme Environments
Tensile Deformation Behavior and Thermal Conductivity of Metallic Alloys Including Stainless Steels at Deep Cryogenic Temperature as Low as 4K
The Dynamic Behavior of Rebar Corrosion: Coupled Point Defect Theory, Machine Learning and Experimental Validation
Ultrafine-Grained and Nanocrystalline Steels in Extreme Environments
Understanding the Critical Role of Microstructure in Enhanced Resistance to H-Assisted Fatigue Crack Growth in Ausformed and Tempered Martensitic Steels
Validation and Characterisation of Advanced Coating Solutions Applied to Tool Steels Used as Aluminum Extrusion Die: Creep and Life Time
In situ Ion Irradiation Creep Testing of Austenitic and Ferritic-Martensitic Steels

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