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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Opportunities and Applications of Solid-State Additive Manufacturing Processes
Presentation Title Surface Alloying in the Cu-Al System via Friction Stir Processing of Cold-Spray Deposited Coatings: An Additive Manufacturing Approach to Localized Surface Treatment for Improved Mechanical Properties
Author(s) Syed Rizvi, Aniruddha Malakar, Md Jasim Uddin, Aaliyah Zuniga, Florian Laggner, Bharat Gwalani, Elizabeth Kautz, Josephine Caroline Hartmann, Kayla Yano, Fu-Yun Tsai, Chris McRobie
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Syed Rizvi
Abstract Scope The quality of cold spray (CS) coatings relies on numerous parameters (e.g., powder selection, equipment, nozzle, surface preparation), and has the potential to improve the corrosion and wear resistance of surfaces for a wide range of applications. However, several challenges exist with CS, such as the presence of inter-particle boundaries and micro-pores that can contribute to inconsistencies in material properties. To overcome such challenges, we used a combination of CS and friction stir processing (FSP) to reduce porosity and increase hardness of CS-deposited coatings. Cu powder containing Al2O3 particles is deposited onto an AA6061 substrate via CS, and processed via FSP. Results reveal that FSP of the CS-deposited coating leads to an increase in surface hardness of 2.5x, and the formation of a Cu-Al2Cu alloy at the sample surface. The comparison between the composition, structure, and properties of CS and FSP-modified CS coatings will be presented.


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Microstructural Effects of AFSD Repair on High Strength AA7050 Components
Optimization of Feedstock Powder Heat Treatment for Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
Part Production by Additive Friction Stir Deposition: Opportunities and Challenges
Pore Boundary Tessellation For Microstructural Analysis of Binder Jet Printed and Sintered Porous Metal Structures
Repair of Aerospace Aluminum Through-Holes Utilizing Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Surface Alloying in the Cu-Al System via Friction Stir Processing of Cold-Spray Deposited Coatings: An Additive Manufacturing Approach to Localized Surface Treatment for Improved Mechanical Properties

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