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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Composition–Processing–Microstructure-Property Relationships of Titanium Alloys
Presentation Title Laser Shock Processing of Titanium Alloys: Microstructure Evolution and Enhanced Engineering Performance
Author(s) Bo Mao, Shuangjie Chu, Qian Liu, Qifei Zhang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Bo Mao
Abstract Scope Laser shock processing (LSP) is an advanced laser-based surface processing technique which has been widely utilized to enhance the engineering performance of metallic materials. Recent research progress has demonstrated LSP can improve the surface wear resistance, fatigue durability, and biocompatibility of Ti alloys. However, the processing-microstructure-property relationship remains unclear due to the complex microstructural response of Ti alloys subjected to ultra-high strain rate plastic deformation (~106/s) during LSP. This presentation will focus on the dislocation dynamics, twinning behavior, and stress-induced phase transformation of CP-Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy processed by LSP. It is found that Ti alloys exhibit distinct mechanical response and microstructure features during LSP. Moreover, surface patterning could be fabricated on Ti alloys during LSP and help to improve the biocompatibility. The mechanism of improved surface hardness, stress corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility of Ti alloys processed by LSP will be discussed.


A Study on High-Temperature Deformation Behavior, Mechanism and Microstructure Evolution of Ti-900 Alloy for Gas Turbine Blade Application
An AM Defect Model for Fast-Acting Probabilistic Prediction of Defects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Its Application to Ti-6Al-4V
ATI High Temperature Titanium Alloy Development for Aerospace Applications
ATI Titan 27® : Exploiting c+a Slip to Improve Performance for Aerospace
Cross-Slips in a Near-α Titanium Alloy Made by Additive Manufacturing
Deformation and Fracture at Basal Twist Grain Boundaries In Ti-6Al-4V
Effects of Temperature on the Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution during the Hot Compression Test of Ti-6Al-2V-1Fe-1Cr Alloy
Experimental Investigations on Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior in Near Alpha Titanium Alloy
Heterogeneous Nano-Mechanical Response of Bimodal Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Influence of Zr and O on the Evolution of Microstructural Features in High γ-Phase Ti-Al-Zr Alloys
Investigating Cold Dwell Fatigue Failure in Dual-Phase Ti Alloys: The Perspective of Hard-Soft Grain Interactions
Laser Shock Processing of Titanium Alloys: Microstructure Evolution and Enhanced Engineering Performance
Metastable and Stress-Induced Transformations in Additively Processed Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
Microstructure, Mechanical, and Electrochemical Properties of Additively Manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr (wt.%)
Novel Ti-Ta-Zr-Mo Alloys Utilizing Martensite-Driven TRIP/TWIP Mechanisms for Cardiovascular Stent Applications
Study of Microstructure of Titanium Alloys and Its Relation to Mechanical Properties of Alloys for Aerospace Industry
Surface Engineering Ti Alloys and Stress Impacts on Recrystallization
Tailoring Strength and Toughness of a New Titanium Alloy, ATI Titan 23™
Titanium Boron Nitride Nanotubes (Ti-BNNT) Metal Matrix Composite Processed by SPS: Microstructure, Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics
Tuning Alpha Microstructures in Beta Titanium Alloys

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