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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Dates 03/15/2026 - 03/19/2026
Location San Diego, CA, USA
Scope The TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition brings together more than 4,000 business leaders, engineers, scientists and other professionals in the materials field for an outstanding exchange of technical knowledge leading to solutions in the workplace and in society.  Symposium proposals for TMS2026 are now being accepted. Note regarding the estimated number of sessions: The TMS2026 technical program is planned for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the meeting week for a total of eight half-day sessions. The TMS Program Committee does not permit symposia to have parallel sessions, so when completing the proposal form, please indicate no more than eight total oral sessions. Each symposium can add a poster session as well, but the poster session does not need to be indicated below.
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2D Materials – Preparation, Properties, Modeling & Applications
Accelerated Discovery and Insertion of Next Generation Structural Materials
Accelerated Testing and Qualification of Nuclear Reactor Structural Materials
Acta Materlialia Symposium
Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Feedstock Processing for Multifunctional Materials
Additive Manufacturing Fatigue and Fracture
Additive Manufacturing Materials, Processes and Applications for Energy Industry
Additive Manufacturing Modeling, Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Alloy Matrix Composites
Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Multiscale and Non-Equilibrium Solidification Fundamentals
Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Metallic Materials
Additive Manufacturing: Advanced Characterization With Synchrotron, Neutron, and In Situ Laboratory-scale Techniques IV
Additive Manufacturing: Materials Design and Alloy Development VII – Design With Multi-Modal and Field Data by Integrating Uncertainty
Advanced Biomaterials and Implants
Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation
Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage 2026
Advanced Materials for Reusable Rocket Engines
Advanced Real Time Imaging for Materials Science and Processing
Advances in Biomaterials for 3D Printing of Scaffolds & Porous Materials for Biomedical Applications
Advances in Ceramic Materials and Processing
Advances in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Advances in Materials Deposition by Cold Spray and Related Technologies III
Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys V: Mechanical Behavior
Advances in Pyrometallurgy: Pyrometallurgical Off Gas Handling, Processing and Cleaning
Advances in Recycling and Environmental Technologies
Advances in Surface Engineering VIII
Advances in the State-of-the-Art of High Temperature Alloys
Advances in Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Refractory Alloys
Advances in Titanium Technology
Advancing the Frontier of Powder Materials Processing and Sintering: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Eugene Olevsky
AI/ML/Data Informatics for Materials Discovery: Bridging Experiment, Theory, and Modeling
Algorithms Development in Materials Science and Engineering
Alloys and Compounds for Thermoelectric and Solar Cell Applications XIV
Alumina & Bauxite
Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing
Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing Supplier Forum
Aluminum Cast Shop Supplier Forum
Aluminum Reduction Technology
Analytical Science Philosophy, Modeling, and Artificial Intelligence for Additive Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (AI-ICME)
Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Biological Materials Science
Biosustainable Materials for a Circular Economy
Bridging Scales: Deformation and Damage Mechanisms in Microstructurally and Compositionally Complex Metallic Alloys
Ceramics and Ceramic-Based Composites for Nuclear Applications III
Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials 2026 - A Mult-Scale Approach From Meso- to Atomic-Levels
Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces
Circular Metallurgy: Design, Technology, Application
Composite Materials for Advanced Functionality: Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials and Applications
Computational Materials for Qualification and Certification
Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Cutting-Edge Characterization and Electrochemical Techniques for Unraveling Corrosion Phenomena
Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Electrical Steels
Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production Supplier Forum
Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Materials III
Energy Technologies and CO2 Management: Resource Efficient Processes
Energy Technology 2026: Advancement in Energy Materials - Theory, Simulation, Characterization, Application
Enhancing Materials by Changing Surfaces and Interfaces: A Symposium in Honor of Jaroslaw Drelich
Environmental Degradation of Additively Manufactured Materials
Environmental Degradation of Multiple Principal Component Materials
Environmental Effects on Additively Manufactured Core and Structural Materials for Nuclear Reactors
Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Theory and Practice
External Field-Intensified Materials Processing
Fatigue in Materials: Fundamentals, Multiscale Characterizations and Computational Modeling
Forming and Joining of Advanced Sheet Metal Materials
Foundations for Autonomous Materials Design
Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales: Celebrating the Legacy of William Gerberich
Frontiers in Solidification X
Functional Nanomaterials: Functional Low-Dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D) Materials 2026
Fundamental Science of Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformations: A Symposium in Honor of Peter Voorhees
Fundamentals of Sustainable Metallurgy and Processing of Materials
High Performance Steels
Hume-Rothery Symposium: Interface Structure and Properties: Impact on Microstructure Evolution
In-Situ Monitoring and Control of Solidification & Deformation Processes in Metal Additive Manufacturing
In Tribute to Robert Wagoner: A Pioneer in Metal Forming and Constitutive Modeling
Innovative Strategies for Repurposing Mine Waste: Pathways to Energy Mineral and Rare Earth Element Extraction
Interrelated Extremes in Materials Degradation for Fission and Fusion Environments
Local Chemical Ordering and Its Impact on Mechanical Behaviors, Radiation Damage, and Corrosion
Magnesium Technology 2026
Material Responses Investigated Through Novel In-Situ Experiments and Modeling
Materials Aging and Compatibility: Experimental and Computational Approaches to Enable Lifetime Predictions
Materials and Chemistry for Molten Salt Systems
Materials Corrosion Behavior in Advanced Nuclear Reactor Environments III
Materials for Tapping Into the Heat Below: Geothermal and SHR, the Always Available, Sustainable Energy
Materials Kinetics and Mechanisms Under External Forcing-Driven Conditions
Materials Research in Reduced Gravity
Measurement & Control of High Temperature Processes
Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale VIII
Mechanics at the Extremes: Bridging Length-Scales From Nanoscale to Bulk
Melt Processing, Casting and Recycling
Metallic Fuels - Design, Fabrication, and Characterization
Microstructure-Sensitive Modeling Across Length Scales: A Symposium in Honor of David L. McDowell
Modeling, Simulation and Artificial Intelligence for Additive Manufacturing
Nano and Micro Additive Manufacturing
Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments IV
Natural Fibers and Biocomposites
Neutron Scattering for Engineering Materials
Novel Developments in Nuclear Structural & Cladding Materials
Novel Strategies for Rapid Acquisition and Processing of Large Datasets From Advanced Characterization Techniques
Phase Stability in Extreme Environments III
Phase Stability, Phase Transformations, and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials XXV
Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution
Powder-Based Manufacturing and Repair of Large Structural Components for Critical Applications
Powder Metallurgy and Processing for Refractory and Refractory High Entropy Alloy Powders for Additive Manufacturing
Preparing Undergraduate and Graduate Students - and the Faculty who Prepare Them - for Materials Careers (The Judson Education Symposium)
Printed Electronics and Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Functional Materials and Devices—From Processing Concepts to Applications
Rare Metal Extraction & Processing
Recent Advances in Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Related Techniques
Refractory Metals 2026 – A Memorial to Todd Leonhardt
Scandium Extraction and Use in Aluminum Alloys
Shaping the Future of Material Science Leadership in Industry
Solid-State Processing and Manufacturing for Nuclear Applications: Integrating Insights and Innovations
Special Topics in Nuclear Materials: Reproducibility and Uncertainty; Hydrogen Effects; Space and Microreactor Systems
Steels in Extreme Conditions
Sustainability in Light Metals Processing
Sustainable Manufacturing
Theory and Design of Metallic Glasses
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys IV
Thermodynamics for Sustainability: An EPD Symposium Honoring Kazuki Morita
Thin Films and Coatings: Properties, Processing and Applications
Towards Sustainable Process Modeling, Design, and Operation
Tribology: Advances in Friction, Wear and Lubrication of Interfaces
Ultrafine-Grained and Heterostructured Materials (UFGH) XIV
Vacancy Engineering in Metals and Alloys
Verification, Calibration, and Validation Approaches in Modeling the Mechanical Performance of Metallic Materials

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