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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments III
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Nanomechanical Materials Behavior Committee
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
TMS: Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee
Organizer(s) Youxing Chen, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Haiming Wen, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Yue Fan, University of Michigan
Khalid Hattar, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Ashley N. Bucsek, University of Michigan
Jessica A. Krogstad, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Irene J. Beyerlein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Trevor Clark, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Scope Applications in critical fields like nuclear, aerospace, and defense often require operation in harsh conditions, characterized by extreme temperatures, intense mechanical stress, rapid strain-rate deformation, corrosive atmospheres, and heavy irradiation. These severe conditions present formidable challenges to the materials used. Nanostructured materials have emerged as a promising solution, offering exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength and superior resistance to irradiation. Their enhanced characteristics make them promising candidates for use in these demanding environments. This classification encompasses ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials, along with nanocomposites, including nanolaminates, and nanoparticle/nanoprecipitation-strengthened materials. However, these materials face challenges due to a tendency towards coarsening or compound formation, driven by the high density of interfaces within them. Thus, it's crucial to develop methods to stabilize these nanostructures.

This symposium aims to deepen our understanding of how nanostructured metallic, ceramic, and composite materials behave under extreme conditions. We welcome abstracts on a range of topics related to nanostructured materials, although our interest is not limited to these areas.
• Materials response in high temperature environment
• Materials response under high or ultrahigh mechanical load/pressure
• Materials response under high strain-rate deformation
• Irradiation-induced microstructure evolution
• Evolution of mechanical and physical properties under extreme conditions
• Corrosion (and/or erosion) resistant nanomaterials and coatings
• Stress corrosion cracking of nanomaterials
• In-situ characterization of materials response in harsh environments
• Response in simultaneous and coupled multiple extreme environments
• Strategies for stabilizing nanostructure in extreme environments
• Theory and computational modeling of defect generation and interactions with interfaces under harsh environment
• Methodological development of modeling tools for materials response in extreme environments

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A grain-boundary-relaxed nanocrystalline tungsten alloy with exceptional mechanical property and thermal stability
A Phonon-unfolding Based Method for Quantitative Assessment of Thermal Conductivity of High Entropy Ceramics
Atomistic-level understanding of structure and stability of three-dimensional interfaces under irradiation
Beyond Fingerprinting: multi-objective AI-guided high-throughput exploration of nanostructured metals
Competition between radiation-induced segregation and grain growth in dilute nanocrystalline Ni-Zr
Creep behavior of an Al-Zr-Sn alloy dual-strengthened by L12-Al3Zr nanoscale precipitates and cold working
Deformation behaviors and microstructure evolution of Al/Ti nano laminates at elevated temperatures
Dislocation defect phases as a pathway for the manipulation of higher order mechanical properties
Dynamic Nano and Microscale Processes in Hydrogen Charged Metals and Alloys
Effect of grain size on radiation-induced segregation in Fe-based alloys
Effects of Microstructure on Hydrogen Retention in Metal Hydride Moderators
Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of 14YWT NFA
Enhancement of chromium-based bcc-superalloys for high-temperature applications
Enthalpy as a Driver of Irradiation-Induced Amorphization and Crystallization in Nanostructured Materials
Fabrication of nanocrystalline microstructures via interplay between kinetics and thermodynamics of dynamic recrystallization (DRX)
Global self-organization induced by ion irradiation in alloy nanocrystalline films
Grain Boundary Creep in Simple and High Entropy Oxides
Heat and force-resistance of nanograined Ni depends on grain boundary energy
Improving the Oxidation Behavior of UHTCs through Nanostructuring
In-situ analysis of electron beam irradiation on amorphous nanostructured ceramic materials
Influence of Annealing Atmosphere on Microstructural Evolution and Variations in Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity during Isochronal Annealing in a Nanocrystalline Cu-Zr Alloy
Instability of Single-Phase Nanocrystalline Materials versus Stability of Dual-Phase Nanocomposites Under Ion Irradiation at Elevated Temperatures
Interfacial cavity mechanics under extreme thermomechanical conditions
Investigating the Carbon effect on the Tensile Strength in 6061 Aluminum Alloy-C Thin Films.
Microstructural Effects and Mechanical Characteristics of Novel Ti-BN Coatings Post-Space Irradiation Exposure on the International Space Station
Microstructural stability in Fe-W nanomultilayers with crystalline and amorphous interfaces
Nanocrystalline structures in HEAs by extreme deformation
Nanoscale characterisation of the effect of the high magnetic field on a 15-5 PH steel.
Nanoscale Compositional Homogenization by Severe Plastic Deformation-Induced Twinning for Achieving Desensitization in Stainless Steel
Nanostructure development of localized Helium implanted materials and property implications
New Rules of Coupled Severe Plastic Deformations, Phase Transformations, and Microstructure Evolution under High Pressure: In-situ Experiments and Four-scale Theory
Orientation-dependent oxidation of fusion plasma-facing tungsten
Predicting internal oxidation in High-Temperature Ni-Cr Alloys using a CALPHAD-informed phase-Field model
Progress Towards High Strain Rates Spherical Nanoindentation
Property mapping and creep behavior of advanced nuclear reactor alloys via nanoindentation
Radiation Resistance of Nanocrystalline Fe-Ti and Fe-Ta Systems Under Ion Irradiation
Role of interfaces in phase decomposition of CoCrNi alloy
Self-organization of void and gas bubble superlattices in metals under irradiation - the impacts of irradiation condition and material properties
Self-patterned metal carbide - amorphous ceramics nanostructure enabled high temperature strength and plasticity and irradiation resistance
Shock response of an additively manufactured eutectic high entropy alloy under compression and release
Spatially selective catalyst irradiation induced graphitization of monocrystalline diamond for semiconductor applications
Stability of Nanostructured Nitride and Oxide Surrogate Nuclear Fuels under Ion Irradiation
Structural, vibrational, and optical properties of nano- Cu2ZnSnS4 under extreme conditions of i) High Pressure and ii) 6 MeV electron irradiation
Synergistic Grain Boundary Segregation and Nanodispersoid Induced Stabilization of Ultrafine Grained Tungsten Microstructures
Thermal stability of nanocrystalline metallic materials
Trapping vacancy and suppressing void formation in irradiated refractory alloys
Ultra-strong and corrosion-resistant crystalline-amorphous nanostructured metals
Young Leaders International Scholar – KIM Lecture: Aluminum-Carbon Thin Films with High Strength and Ductility

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