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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Dilute Alloying and Impurity Effects on Phase Transformations
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
Organizer(s) Matthew A. Steiner, University of Cincinnati
Dinc Erdeniz, University of Cincinnati
Le Zhou, Marquette University
Scope Minor alloying additions, intentional or otherwise, can play an outsized role in both phase stability and transformation kinetics. We encourage submissions on all material systems that exhibit such effects, defining dilute as approximately < 3 at%. Examples include: 1) Elemental additions that alter the nucleation behavior, promoting or inhibiting nuclei, changing their density and location, or otherwise altering the transformation pathway through the formation of intermediary phases or other mechanisms, 2) Additions that alter the available diffusion pathways and rates of key species within the material, 3) Additions that change the degree or type of chemical ordering, 4) Additions that impact the interfacial energy of one phase in relation to another, such as altering the stacking fault energy, to promote or inhibit a phase transformation, 5) Additions that impact martensitic or strain induced transformations, including those governing shape memory alloy behavior.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Effect of Silicon Addition on the Stability and Precipitation of Delta Phase in Inconel 718 and Associated Mechanical Properties
Effects of Dilute Phosphorus Alloying on Phase Transformations in the Fe-Ni System
Impact of Impurity Elements Introduced During Joining on the Properties of Superelastic Nitinol
In-Situ Formation of Lamellar α+β Ti Alloys With Dilute Fast Diffusive Elements
Phase Transformation in Al-Cu-Sc Alloy and Its Impact on Corrosion Performance
Role of Impurities and Dilute Alloying Elements on Long-Range Order in Ni-Cr-Based Alloys
The Role of Minor Alloying in the Plasticity of Bulk Metallic Glasses

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