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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Microstructural Control in Materials Processing: Role of Phase Transformation Pathways
Sponsorship TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
Organizer(s) Bharat Gwalani, North Carolina State University
Soumya Nag, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Abhishek Sharma, University of North Texas
Sriswaroop Dasari, University of Texas at El Paso
Ashley E. Paz y Puente, University of Cincinnati
Paul J. Gibbs, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sophie Primig, University of New South Wales
Scope Advanced structural materials rely on complex microstructures, often engineered in a multi-scale hierarchical organization. This translates to a spatial hierarchy ranging from atomic/dislocation level to grain level, extending to component scale. Material processing, either powder-based based such as sintering, pressing, and consolidation, or solid-state deformation based such as rolling, forging, machining, friction stir, etc., all modify defects, interfaces, and phase structures. Understanding the associated microstructural evolution and its relationship with the material properties is a challenge due to the complex mechanical-thermal coupling involved during processing steps.

This symposium aims to bring together researchers working on processing-induced microstructural modification, including phenomena such as nano-crystallization via severe plastic deformation, grain boundary and interfacial engineering, precipitation under deformation, mechanical alloying, and defect/transformation energies. The scope also includes the use of in situ and in operando characterization techniques to capture the transient states of matter during processing. Experimental and computational research topics are welcome.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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