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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Metal-Matrix Composites: Advances in Analysis, Measurement and Observations
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Composite Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Srivatsan S. Tirumalai
William Harrigan, Gamma Alloys
Simona E. Hunyadi Murph, Savannah River National Laboratory
Scope The Third International Symposium on Metal Matrix Composites: Advances in Analysis, Measurement and Observations is being sponsored by the Composite Materials Committee of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society [TMS] and being held in conjunction with the 2021 Annual Meeting of TMS that is scheduled to be held in Orlando, Florida, USA between March 14-18, 2021. This symposium, the third in a series, will aim at bringing together engineers, scientists, scholars and entrepreneurs to present and discuss their novel and innovative contributions in the domain specific to metal-matrix composites and on aspects specific to: (i) modeling, (ii) analysis, (iii) measurements, and (iv) observations specific to microstructural advances, and spanning microstructure architecture, mechanical behavior, failure behavior and kinetics governing microstructural influences on failure by fracture. The goal of this inter-disciplinary symposium is to bring together the range of developments in the domains spanning analysis, modeling and observations to facilitate ease in interpretation on all aspects related to the processing, fabrication, characterization, mechanical property evaluation, failure analysis of this material, an attractive choice for selection and use in both existing and emerging applications. The family of composites span the entire spectrum of metals to include the intermetallics. The conference will certainly provide an attractive forum for presenting recent advances on aspects related to materials processing, fabrication, characterization, modeling, analysis and observations by way of interpretations by both researchers and engineers working in industry, national research laboratories, and academia. Keynote, Invited and Contributed talks will be included. The Keynote and Invited papers from leading edge academic and industrial research settings will provide a lucid and comprehensive overview of the status and potential future directions for both research and applications. Contributed papers will attempt to cover specific problems in the same areas. The topics of interest include the following:

● Metals and metal-matrix composites
● Nano-metal based composites
● Intermetallic-based composites

Where possible contributions in the above topics should relate to applications in one of the six industry-relevant areas:
● Automotive ● Energy applications
● Aerospace ● Failure Analysis
● Bio-medical and healthcare ● Heavy Equipment, Machinery and Goods

Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

2D Interlayer Enabled Electrical Ductility for Flexible Electronics
A Method for Measuring Total Protium and Total Deuterium in a Gas Mixture Containing Hydrogen, Deuterium and Hydrogen Deuterium Mixture Using Gas Chromatography
A Study Aimed at Understanding the Use of Nanomaterial-treated Filters for the Uptake of Heavy Metals from Water Sources
Correlation of Fine Scale Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper-alumina Nanocomposites
Development of Ultra-high Conductivity Metal Composites
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of an Aluminum Alloy and Aluminum Alloy Composite: A Comparative Study
Influence of Sintering on the Development of Alumina Toughened Nanocomposites: Conventional Versus Microwave
Influence of Tungsten Nanopowders on Enhancing the Aging Behavior of a Copper-chromium Alloy
Iron Oxide - Gold Composite Nanoparticles and Nanogap Junctions for Sensing Applications Using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
Microstructure Evolution of Al/Ca Metal-Matrix Composite Conductor Wires by Thermal Aging
Recent Advances in Analysis, Measurement and Properties of Composite Metal Foams
Role of Microstructure on the Potential of MAX and MAB Phases and Their Derivative-based Composites – A Review
Strengthening Effects of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced in Nickel Matrix Nanocomposites
The Effect of Titanium Carbide and Spark Plasma Sintering Processing on Nickel-titanium Carbide Composites
The Mechanical Performance of an In Situ Processed Nickel-Titanium-Graphite Metal Matrix Composites: Influence of Processing
The Tribological Behavior of an In-situ Processed Magnesium Alloy Based Metal Matrix Composite
Understanding the Mechanical Response of Friction Stir Welded In-situ Processed Aluminum Alloy Metal Matrix Composite: Experimental and Statistical Modelling Approaches
Use of an Infrared Spectroscopic Method for Isotopic Analysis of Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride
In situ Atomic Study of Spontaneous Nanocrystallization of Intermetallic for Interconnection of High-power and Flexible Electronics

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