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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recent Advances in Printed Electronics and Additive Manufacturing: 2D/3D Functional Materials, Fabrication Processes, and Emerging Applications
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Organizer(s) Pooran Joshi, Elbit Systems of America
Rahul Panat, Carnegie Mellon University
Yong Lin Kong, Rice University
Tolga Aytug, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Konstantinos Sierros, West Virginia University
Changyong Cao, Michigan State University
Dave Estrada, Boise State University
Nuggehalli M. Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Scope Additive manufacturing and direct-write printed electronics technologies employing metal, dielectric, polymer, and ceramic materials have the potential to enable new products and markets. The proposed symposium will focus on the emerging additive manufacturing concepts and techniques for the processing of 2D/3D structures. Technical sessions will focus on processing and characterization of active and passive functional components integrated on engineered geometries. Topics related to functional materials, low-temperature processing, large area manufacturing, and electronic applications are within the scope of this symposium. Invited and contributed papers will discuss both the fundamental aspects underlying certain applications and the particular challenges regarding technology, fabrication processes, and reliability.

Research fields of interests are related but not necessarily limited to the following topics:
- Direct-write printing and additive manufacturing of functional 2D/3D structures and geometries: Materials, Processes, and Characterization
- Nanomaterials, inks, and substrates for direct-write printing and additive manufacturing
- Nanostructured materials for solid-state and electrochemical energy storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors)
- Low thermal budget processing and characterization of functional inks and 2D/3D materials
- Hybrid electronics: Merging printed electronics and additive manufacturing (Materials and Process integration to realize active/passive sensors, detectors, TFTs, antennas, PVs, batteries, Supercapacitors)

Abstracts Due 07/19/2021
Proceedings Plan Planned:

3D Printing of Nanostructures Using Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Based Optical Sensor
A Comparative Study on Supercapacitors Formed with Different Graphene Based Hybrid Nanostructured Materials
Additive Manufacturing and Characterization of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
Additive Manufacturing of Smart Materials
C-6: Characterization of Dispersion Strengthened Stainless Steels via Direct Ink Writing
Coaxial Core-shell Direct Ink Writing of Conductive Elastomeric Fibers
Controlled Embedding of Multidimensional Flexible Sensors Using Direct Ink Writing
Copper-carbon Nanotube Composite Based Advanced Conductors
Corona-enabled Electrostatic Printing (CEP) for Ultra-fast R2R Manufacturing of Binder-free Multifunctional E-skins
Design of Materials for Advanced Energy Storage
Direct 4D Printing of Stretchable Supercapacitors Using Hybrid Composite Materials
Effect of Dichloroethane on the Electronic Transport Behavior in Semiconducting MoS2 Temperature
Electrohydrodynamic Printing as an Enabler for High Resolution Deposition: Direct and Hybrid Printing Strategies
Enabling Sustainability and Circularity Through Big Area Additive Manufacturing
Engineered Low Density Polymers Within Additively Manufactured Polyacrylates
Evaluation of Graphene Based Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding
Flexible Electric Energy Storage for Low-power Devices
Imbibition Control of Polymer Solutions via Molecular Weight and Surface Functionalization onto Nanoporous Metal Media
Laser-induced Direct-write of Conductive Graphene Patterns with Tunable Porosity on Polymers
Multiprinter Additive Manufacturing of Flexible Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters Using Colloidal Nanoparticles
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY – 3D Printed Energy Storage Devices
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY – Isolation of Monolayer Black Phosphorus for Additive Manufacturing of Optoelectronic Devices
On Depositing Chromium-nitride Patterns by Magnetic Guided Physical Vapor Deposition
Plasmonic and Nanocomposite Material Enabled Low Cost Optical Fiber Sensing for Electrical Asset Monitoring
Plenty of Room Under the Skin: A Wearable’s Perspective
Revealing the Mesostructures of 3D Printed Battery with Synchrotron Coherent X-ray Scattering and Nano-tomography
Screen Printing of Multifunctional Wearable E-Textile from Water-based Silver Conductive Inks
Self-limiting Electrospray Deposition Post-processing with Functional Materials
Unconventional Low-viscosity Direct Ink Writing: Surface Force-driven Deposition of Polyelectrolyte-based Membranes
Utilizing Direct Ink Writing to Create Applications-specific Flexible and Stretchable Solid-state Lithium Battery Arrays

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