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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2022: Coupling Metallurgy and Sustainability: An EPD Symposium in Honor of Diran Apelian
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
TMS: Aluminum Committee
Organizer(s) Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brajendra Mishra, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Bart J. Blanpain, Ku Leuven
Adam C. Powell, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Camille Fleuriault, Eramet Norway
Scope This honorary symposium will consist of a set of invited speakers to cover topics motivated and inspired by the wealth of expertise

Dr. Apelian has contributed in metals processing, aluminum and battery recycling, sustainability, education in materials science and
more. Experts will be those connected with the NSF IUCRC Center for Resource, Recovery and Recycling that Dr. Apelian founded
as well as his Metals Processing Institute in addition to REWAS 2022 contributors.

Honorary sessions will also cover topics such as: Solidification processing; aluminum metallurgy; clean metal/melt refining; plasma
processing / spray forming; powder metallurgy; resource recovery and recycling; other topics in materials processing, and innovation
in engineering education. This symposium is linked with the REWAS 2022 sessions as Dr. Apelian’s research
is deeply coupled to the key themes within REWAS.

Abstracts Due 07/19/2021
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Foundation for Learning and Collaboration to Solve Future Societal Challenges
Advances in Powder Metallurgy
Aluminum Roadmap to a Sustainable Future
Current Perspectives in Metal Based Additive Manufacturing
Electrochemical Pathways Towards Sustainable Energy
How the Implications of Force Majeure Resulted in the Adoption of More Sustainable Materials
Increasing Secondary Alloy Usage in Aluminum Die Casting Industry
Industry-University Collaboration in Metals Processing and Recycling: Challenges and Lessons Learned from a Regional and Global Perspective
Materials-aware STEM Education as a Foundation for a Sustainable World
Nanotechnology Enabled Solidification Processing for Sustainability
New Approaches for Implementing and Teaching Sustainability
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY - The Circular Economy in Practice: A Case Study in Li-ion Battery Recycling and Materials Re-integration
Recycled Cathode Materials Enabled Superior Performance for Lithium-ion Battery
Sustainability of Feedstock in Additive Manufacturing
Sustainable Development of Materials: Combining Chemicals Management, Life Cycle Thinking and the Circular Economy
The Discharge Crucible Method: Update on Experimental Design, Measurements, and Orifice Wetting
The Ecosystem for Materials Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing
The Framework for Establishing a Collaborative Resource Recovery and Recycling Research Center: A Tribute to Professor Diran Apelian
The Future of the Aluminum Industry. It's Closer Than You Think
The Legacy of Prof. Diran Apelian: In Retrospect
Three Binders and Three Precast Elements from What Was Once Called “Residue”

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