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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Biomaterials for Biomedical Implants
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Biomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Tolou Shokuhfar, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jing Du, Southern University of Science and Technology
Scope This symposium covers advances in new research directions for biomaterials for biomedical implants. It high- lights how researchers and clinicians are pushing the envelope in disease prevention, detection, and treatment. It covers more traditional areas such as hip, craniofacial, and spinal implants but also pushes us in new directions such as implantable sensors that can potentially determine changes in bone health and then respond to those changes to ensure strong healthy bones. It also emphasizes novel solutions to traditionally difficult tissue repair, such as meniscus repair and other organ tissue regeneration strategies.

Most importantly, highlights the dynamic field of implant  biomaterials as it introduces new chemistries to tissue regeneration, such as biodegradable metals and new polymers.

0- Biomaterials Implantation
1- Biomaterials for Nanostrucred Implants
2- Biomaterials for Antimicrobial Implants
3- Biomaterials for Drug-Delivery Implants
4- Biomaterials for Sensor Implants
5- Biomaterials for Injectable Implants
6- Biomaterials for Soft Tissue Implants
7-Biomaterials for Total Joint Replacement Implants (Hip, Knee, Spine, Shoulder, Elbow)
8-Biomaterials for Dental Implants
9- Biomaterials for Oral and Maxcilofacial Implants
10- Biomaterials for Excoeskeletal Implants
11- Biomaterials for Cardivasular Implants
12- Biomaterials for Pulmonary Implants
13- Biomaterials for Cuchlear Implants
14-Biomaterials for Ocular Implants
15- Biomaterilas for Liver and Kidney Implants
16- Biomaterials for Brain Implants
17- Biomaterials for Bionic Implants
18- Biomaterials for Skin Implants 
19- Biomaterials for Bladder Implants
20-Biomaterials for GI Implants

Abstracts Due 07/17/2022
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Combined Experimental and Computational Study of Dental Implant
Analysis of Biometal Alloys in a Clinically Relevant In Vivo Arterial Implant Model
Application of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanostructures in Drug Delivery: A Compact Review
Candida Albicans Biofilm Formation of an Additive-manufactured Titanium Alloy
Characterization of Spicule Structure
Characterization of Zn-Li-WC Nanocomposite for Biodegradable Implants
Developing Strong and Ductile TWIP Zr-based Alloys for Cardiovascular Stent Application
Development of Advanced Bioabsorbable Zn-based Materials Using Powder-metallurgy Techniques
Effects of Grain Size and Precipitates on the Mechanical and Biocorrosion Properties of ZX10 Mg Alloy
Finite Element Analysis of Partially Biodegradable Ti-PGA Composite Implants Assembled with Bone Fractures
Hemocompatibility and Biocompatibility Evaluation of an Mg-Ca-Sr Alloy for Vascular Stent Applications
K-1: Case Hardening of a Biomedical Cobalt- and Nickel-Free Stainless Steel
K-3: The Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Properties and Performance of Hot Extruded Zn-based Bioresorbable Alloy for Vascular Stenting Applications
Laser Induced Micro/Nano Structured Stainless Steel Surfaces for Biological and Food Storage Applications
Manufacturing of Mg Wires with Optimized Properties for Biomedical Applications
Plasma Reduction Process for Nanostructured Biomaterials and 3D-Scaffold Surfaces
Polymeric Biodegradable Biomaterials for Tissue Bioengineering and Bone Rejuvenation
Real-time Raman Spectroscopy of Binder Setting in Bioactive Glass Composite Bone Tissue Scaffolds
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Antibacterial Ti-Nb-Cu/Ga Alloys for Load-bearing Implant Applications
The Stress-corrosion-cracking Resistance of Zinc-based Alloys Designed for Bioresorbable Medical Implants
ZnO-NPs-Coated Implants with Osteogenic Properties for Enhanced Osseointegration

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