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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2025: Sustainable Practices in Strategic and Critical Raw Materials: Exploring Supply Chain Resilience and Recycling Innovations
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
Organizer(s) Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Adamantia Lazou, National Technical University of Athens
Christina Meskers, SINTEF
Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scope The technological and societal advancements require the use of advanced materials and the development of special alloys. Usually critical and strategic raw materials including metals, minerals, and natural materials are required. Strategic critical raw materials have economic importance, potential supply risk, complex production requirements and a fast growth in demand. Therefore, alternative sources are exploited, often called urban mining, to satisfy the need of critical metals, to reduce the risk of supply interference, facilitate industrial symbiosis and increase resource efficiency.

The symposium seeks to highlight the exploitation of secondary sources for materials production and the utilization of those streams into production lines while meeting process and products requirements. Research focusing on understanding the fundamental mechanisms as well as the engineering aspects for the integration of secondary sources are encouraged. Special focus will be given on advanced extractive metallurgy methodologies, including sorting and separation. Articles focusing on life cycle analysis, materials flow and supply chain resilience analysis are encouraged.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Novel Steel Section Design with Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Comparative Study of Different Acid Reagents for Metal Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash
From Waste to High-Purity Silicon: Refining of Silicon by Directional Solidification and Crystal Pulling Method
Investigating Niobium Coating Removal Techniques from Tool Steel Substrates
Low-Cost High Throughput Solution for Creating a Supply Chain of CMMs from E-Waste Using Artificial Intelligence
Metso eScrap Solutions: Unlocking the Value of a Critical Resource
Mycomining: Using Fungi to Forge the Future of Critical Materials
Opportunities for Cerium Valorization in the Rare Earth Supply Chain
Rare Earth Metals Production Through Metallothermic Reduction: Preparation of Anhydrous Salt and Reduction Using Sodium Metal
Recovery Potential of Spent Magnesia-Chrome Refractories from Copper and Nickel Industries
Remanufacturing as a Tactic to Increase the Resilience of Raw Materials' Availability
Screening Alternative Sources of Critical Metals via Alkaline Fusion: The Effect of Flux on Digestion Efficiency
The Future of Zinc Recovery from Electric Arc Furnace Dust: Opportunities and Challenges

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