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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Processing and Kinetic Phenomena: From Thin Films and Micro/Nano Systems to Advanced Manufacturing
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
Organizer(s) Hang Yu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Steven T. Boles, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Jihun Oh, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Tech
Jerrold A. Floro, University of Virginia
Zungsun Choi, Infineum Singapore LLP
Matteo Seita, University of Cambridge
Changquan Lai, Nanyang Technological University
Scope Materials processing plays a key role in a wide variety of critical and emerging technologies, including thin film processing, micro/nano manufacturing, quantum technologies, and additive manufacturing. To go beyond empirical process development and recipe optimization, a critical and in-depth understanding of the processing science and underlying kinetic phenomena is instrumental. This symposium aims to bring together a wealth of researchers and leaders to discuss how materials processing science has been and is being applied to address the pressing needs in thin film processing and micro/nano manufacturing. It also aims to provide a platform to discuss how processing science and kinetics can best benefit emerging fields, such as additive manufacturing. Topics of interests include (i) kinetic phenomena at the micro/nanoscale: e.g., dewetting and pattern formation; (ii) thin film processing: stress/microstructure/phase evolution; (iii) processing science and kinetic phenomena underlying advanced manufacturing; (iv) Integration of AI and data-driven approaches with materials processing science.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2023
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Journey into Thin Metal Films - From Texture to Dewetting from Ultrathin Films to Nanophotonics
A Multitude of Fast Material Transport Paths in Solid State Dewetting of Thin Films
Adventures in the World of Nanocarbons: From CNf Mats to SACs on CNFs for Exceptional Electrochemical Water Splitting
Ambient-controlled Solid-State Dewetting of Copper and Nickel Thin Films
Application of Copper Nanoparticles in Microelectronics Packaging and Beyond
Atomic Kinetics in Highly Metastable Metallic Systems
Coarse-grained Molecular Modeling of Macropore-infused Nanocomposite Emulsion Thermosets (MINET)
Combinatorial Approach to Develop Sputter-deposited High-entropy Alloy Films for Inertial Confinement Fusion Applications
Control of Quasi-periodic Lengthscales and Morphologies in Eutectic Thin Films via Directional Laser Solidification
Cu and Cu-M Binary Alloys for Selective and Efficient Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction
Deformation-based Additive Manufacturing as A Scalable Non-equilibrium Processing Tool
Design of Alloys with Solid-state Phase Evolutions that Accelerate Sintering and 3D Printing
Determination of the Friction Stir Welding Window from the Solid-state-bonding Mechanics under Severe Thermomechanical Conditions
Dislocation Formation in the Heteroepitaxial Growth of PbSe/PbTe Systems
Electrical Resistivity in Nanoscale Metals: Role of Surfaces and Grain Boundaries
Fabrication of Periodic Textures at Micron Label on Silicone Membrane Using Femtosecond Laser
Grain Growth by Defect Engineering: From Thin Films to Bulk Metal Alloys
Grain Growth Redux: beyond Smith, von Neumann, and Mullins
In Situ Laser Study and Fe-Cr-Ni Thin Film System
Kinetic Limitations in the Aluminum-lithium Electrochemical System for Lithium-ion Batteries
Microstructure by Design: Thin Film Grain Growth Experiments, Simulations, Data Analytics
Nano-Metallurgy for Renewable Energy Conversion
Nanoscale Morphology Control Using Ion Beams with Applications in Materials and Life Sciences
Relating Residual Stress Evolution to the Processes of Thin Film Growth
Simulated Surface Diffusion in Nanoporous Gold and Its Dependence on Surface Curvature
Sintering Kinetics of Compacted Core-shell Nickel-chromium Powder
The Interface between a Body-centered Cubic Crystal and Its Melt
The Microstructure Evolution of the Electroplating Cu Foil by the Multiple Switched Current Density Method
Thin Film NiCr-, TiCr- & CuNi-based Cermets for Low-temperature Ultra-low Magnetoresistance Thermometers
Thin Film Research to Market Application: A Story of Fundamental Innovation
Ultrastrong and Tough Stainless Steel Fabricated with Novel Additive Manufacturing Method

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