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About this Symposium
Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Energy Technologies and CO2 Management
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS Light Metals Division
TMS: Energy Committee
Organizer(s) Alafara Abdullahi Baba, University of Ilorin
Lei Zhang, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Donna P. Guillen, Idaho National Laboratory
Xiaobo Chen, RMIT University
John A. Howarter, Purdue University
Neale R. Neelameggham, IND LLC
Cong Wang, Northeastern University
Ziqi Sun, Queensland University of Technology
Hong (Marco) Peng, University of Queensland
Yu Lin Zhong, Griffith University
Scope The reliance on fossil fuels for energy is unsustainable and has released an unprecedented amount of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. The continual research and development effort into clean and sustainable energy technologies and efficient carbon dioxide management are of paramount importance to ensure the responsible progress of human civilisation and innovations. This symposium aims to bring together both academia and industry to jointly address the pressing issues and development of new strategies.

The symposium is open to participants from both industry and academia and will focus on energy efficient technologies including innovative ore beneficiation, smelting technologies, and recycling and waste heat recovery, as well as emerging novel energy technologies. The sessions will also cover various technological aspects of sustainable energy ecosystems, processes that improve energy efficiency, reduce thermal emissions, and reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions. Contributions from all areas of non-nuclear and non-traditional energy sources are welcomed.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Renewable Energy Resources to Reduce the Consumption of Traditional Fossil Fuels
• Emerging Technologies for Renewable Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage
• New Concepts or Devices for Energy Generation, Conversion, and Distribution
• Waste Heat Recovery and Other Industrial Energy Efficient Technologies
• Energy Education and Energy Regulation
• Scale-up, Stability, and Life-Cycle Analysis of Energy Technologies and Improvement of Existing Energy-Intensive Processes
• Theory and Simulation in Energy Harvesting, Conversion, and Storage
• Design, Operation, and Optimization of Processes for Energy Generation (e.g., Carbon Capture) and Conversion of Energy Carriers
• Energy Efficiency Improvement in Process Engineering (e.g., for biomass conversion and improved combustion) and Electrical Engineering (e.g., for power conversion and developing smart grids)
• Thermo-electric/Electrolysis/Photo-electrolysis/Fundamentals of PV
• Emission Control, CO2 Capture and Conversion
• Carbon Sequestration Techniques
• CO2 and Other Greenhouse Gas Reduction Metallurgy in ferrous (iron & steel making and forming), non-ferrous and reactive metals including Critical Rare-earth Metals
• Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems
• Thermodynamics and Modelling for Sustainable Metallurgical Processes

Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Study of Numerical Modeling of Jet Heating Phenomenon in a Porous Media
CO2 Emission Calculation Model of Integrated Steel Works Based on Process Analysis
Effects on Operational Capabilities and Lifecycle of Commercially Available Li-ion Batteries Due to Partial Nail Penetration from Drop Hammer Impact Test
Excitonic Effects in Absorption Spectra of Carbon Dioxide Reduction Photocatalysts
Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage
Experimental Study on Dust Removal Performance of Dynamic Wave Scrubber for Smelting Flue Gas
High Temperature Properties in Ferritic Heat Resistant Steels with Intermetallic Precipitates for High Efficient Heat Recovery Systems
Homogenization of the Dense Composite Membranes for Carbon-dioxide Removal
Hydrodynamics of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Reverse Spray Washing Process
In-situ Electrode Temperature Monitoring and Thermal Runaway Detection of Li-ion Pouch Cell
Influence of Coal Reactivity on Carbon Composite Briquette Reaction in Blast Furnace
Low Energy Mesoporous Silica Recovery from a Nigerian Kaolinite Ore for Industrial Value Additions
Prediction Model of Converter Oxygen Consumption Based on Recursive Classification and Feature Selection
Reduction Behaviors of Hematite to Metallic Iron by Hydrogen at Low Temperatures
Simulation and Optimization of Defluorination and Desulfurization Processes of Aluminum Electrolysis Flue Gas
The Influence of Hydrogen Injection on the Reduction Process in the Lower Part of Blast Furnace: A Thermodynamic Study

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