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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Frontiers of Materials Award Symposium: Intermetallic Alloys at the Edge of Complexity: Structural and Kinetic Aspects
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
TMS: Solidification Committee
Organizer(s) Ashwin Shahani, University of Michigan
Scope Most intermetallic compounds adopt complex and aperiodic structure types, hallmarked by their extremely large unit cells and extensive crystallographic disorder. Quasicrystals are the quintessential example of crystal complexity: they possess long-range positional order but classically forbidden orientational order. Despite their frequent observation in both metallic alloys and soft matter structures in the 40 years since their discovery, little is known about the way in which they emerge from a liquid, amorphous, or crystalline precursor.

While multiple kinetic models have been proposed, such models remain unverified due to the prior lack of experimental and computational probes. We now have suitable probes in hand. This symposium will integrate theory, state-of-the-art characterization techniques, and multi-scale modelling approaches in order to achieve a comprehensive picture of the formation and transformation pathways of complex intermetallics. Topics include structure models; surfaces and overlayers; growth and stability; defect generation; and soft matter analogues.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2022
Proceedings Plan Planned: None Selected

Capturing the Growth of Quasicrystals Near- and Far-from-Equilibrium
Complex Intermetallic Compounds: Original Surface Structures for Unusual Surface Properties
Direct Evaluation of Quasicrystal Bulk and Surface Energies in Density Functional Theory
In-Situ Growth of PtSn4, a Complex Layered Intermetallic
Influence of Icosahedral Short-range Order in the Liquid on Solidification Morphologies
Intermetallic Compounds from Metallic-glass Precursors
Simulating Complex Crystal Structures and Their Assembly in Hard and Soft Condensed Materials

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