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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrometallurgy 2020
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee
TMS: Process Technology and Modeling Committee
TMS: Pyrometallurgy Committee
Organizer(s) Antoine Allanore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael L. Free, University of Utah
Georges Houlachi, Hydro-Quebec
Hojong Kim, Pennsylvania State University
Takanari Ouchi, University of Tokyo
Shijie Wang, Coeur Mining, Inc
Scope Electrolytic processing is used commercially to recover and/or refine metals including large–scale production of aluminum, copper, magnesium, nickel, and zinc as well as, on a smaller scale, for recovery and refining of gold and silver. There are also exciting opportunities to utilize electrometallurgy in the production of titanium, lead, and other metals. Electrolytic processing of metals faces common challenges that include energy utilization, chemistry, productivity, and safety. To meet the present challenges in commercial electrometallurgy, a variety of technological advances have been made. Similar challenges will be faced in the future, requiring process improvements and innovations.

The 3rd International Symposium on Electrometallurgy – building on the success of Orlando 2012 and Quebec City 2016, will bring together industry, consulting engineers and researchers to discuss fundamental research, development, and/or application of innovative aqueous or molten salt electrometallurgical processing technologies for the extraction of metals.

The Symposium will provide a forum for the international metallurgical community to discuss innovative approaches to reduce the energy consumption during electrolysis of metals. This Symposium is organized by TMS and Met Soc, with the leadership of the TMS Extraction and Processing Division, with support from the Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy, Process Modeling and Technology, and Pyrometallurgy Committees.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2019
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume

A 3-D Numerical Model to Predict Low Temperature Aluminum Electrochemical Process Using Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes at Different Boundary Conditions
A Key Role for Electrometallurgy in Climate Change Mitigation
Capital Cost Estimation for Electrochemical Processes
Development of a Magnesium Metal Production Process Using North Korean Magnesite
Development of a Novel Magnesium Metal Production Process by Electrolysis of Magnesium Oxide Using a Tin Metal Cathode
Effective Copper Diffusion Coefficients in CuSO4 – H2SO4 Electrowinning Electrolytes
Electrolytic Extraction of Liquid Copper and Iron from Chalcopyrite Ore
Enhanced Aluminum Electrorefining Process from Aluminum Alloy Scraps via Surface Engineering
Future Prospects for Copper Leaching, Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning Technology
M-56 (Digital): Electron Beam Refinery and Purification in Newly Constructed Production Units with Gas Discharged Electron Beam Guns
M-58: Electrochemical Behavior of Fe2O3 in Electro-deoxygenation in NaCl-CaCl2 Molten Salt System
M-59: Reduction Mechanism of Metal Cobalt from Cathode Material of Waste Lithium Cobalt Oxide Battery
Modeling Nickel and Zinc Electrowinning Based on Ion Mass Transport and Electrode Reaction Kinetics
Study on High-temperature Liquid Lithium Battery with LiI-KI Electrolyte
The Electrochemical Conversion of Chalcopyrite to Less Refractory Mineral Phases for Hydrometallurgical Processing
Theories of Electrodeposition, Beings-of-reason, and Reality

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